Profile Series: Jean Allard

The Jean Allard I knew was a big man, a strong man, forceful, utterly determined. He had an adequate sense of his worth, but that was based more upon his […]
Published on December 23, 2020

The Jean Allard I knew was a big man, a strong man, forceful, utterly determined. He had an adequate sense of his worth, but that was based more upon his ideas than on hubris. He had seen enough of the world’s troubles to have the essential humility of one who never forgot his origins and helping those who had not come as far as he had. He had that ability to move equally among the upper classes of power and ideas as well as the lesser among us who were his greater concern. When I knew him he had big thoughts and an incurable optimism that they would one day work out. And he made progress. Both by deed and example he has left us a better world.” – Gordon Gibson

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