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Rating Property Rights

The Frontier Centre has released the first Canadian Property Rights Index. The March 14th report, written by Joseph Quesnel, was fashioned along the same basis as a U.S. property rights index, rating how each of the 13 jurisdictions in Canada handled property rights.

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Debate needed on property rights

JOSEPH QUESNEL, For the Winnipeg Sun

The Manitoba government’s attempt to seize the home of an accused sex predator is raising eyebrows in many quarters.

The civil suit states the home was instrumental in allowing the sexual abuse of a preteen girl.

What is interesting from a legal standpoint is Manitoba’s Criminal Property Forfeiture Act is mainly used to seize property involved in drug houses, grow-op operations, and the cars drug dealers use.

It is arguable seizing property of a sex predator is a step up from seizing property used in drug activities. In the case of the predator, they are harming someone tangibly.

People choose to come and buy drugs. Yes, many are addicted to hard drugs, but there is the choice to seek help and break the addiction.