
Featured News

The environmentalist war on fossil fuels has opened a new front: a war on pipelines. For years, activists claimed the world was rapidly depleting its oil and natural gas supplies. The fracking revolution (horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing) obliterated that...

We Must Hope Dr. Soon is Right …

We Must Hope Dr. Soon is Right …

Everyone has heard the bad news. Imminent Climate Apocalypse (aka “global warming” and “climate change”) threatens humanity and planet with devastation, unless we abandon the use of fossil fuels. Far fewer people have heard the good news. The sun has just entered its...

Indigenous Entrepreneurship in Australia

Indigenous Entrepreneurship in Australia

Like all Indigenous peoples studied in this series, Indigenous Australians have historically been excluded from the wider economy. But also, like all these  communities in all four countries studied, they have entered business in a very significant way over the past...

The Social Justice Bus

The Social Justice Bus

It was December 1, 1955. A tired seamstress was making her way back home on a bus after a long day in Montgomery, Alabama. The bus driver angrily informed the woman that the law required her to sit in the back of the bus. The woman was not just tired from work, she...