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Profile Series: Steven Satour

Profile Series: Steven Satour

Steven Satour – a driven Indigenous Australian entrepreneur – is more than happy that he has achieved his childhood dream of working in the tourism sector and sharing his Indigenous culture with the outside world. “Australia is home to the oldest living culture of the...

Climate Hysterics Skyrocket

Climate Hysterics Skyrocket

Call it climate one-upmanship. It seems everyone has to outdo previous climate chaos rhetoric. The “climate crisis” is the “existential threat of our time,” Speaker Nancy Pelosi told her House colleagues. We must “end the inaction and denial of science that threaten...

Why Men Are Falling Behind in Schools

Why Men Are Falling Behind in Schools

North American universities have been taken over by women. Men are decreasingly university students, professors, and administrators. “Gender equality,” a feminist war chant, apparently does not apply when females dominate. In the United States, women outnumber men in...

Newfoundland Sees the Light

Newfoundland Sees the Light

St. John’s sees the sunrise four-and-a half hours before Victoria. This means Newfoundlanders are the first to see the light, and British Columbians, the last. Unfortunately, some who leave the west coast to study on the Rock get an unwelcome surprise. Students who...