
Population Bombed!

Population Bombed!

Excerpted from Population Bombed! by Pierre Desrochers and Joanna Szurmak, published by GWBF Books. In a scathing critique of the romantic poet Robert Southey’s negative assessment of the industrial economy of his time, the British historian and Whig politician,...

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Why Do Some Succeed?

Why Do Some Succeed?

In Canada and widely in the West, our greatest values today are “social justice” and “diversity.” Social justice has nothing to do with individuals, but is about “collective rights”[1] of categories of people defined by race, gender, sexual preference, ethnicity, etc....

Healing Lodges

Healing Lodges

Terri-Lynne McClintic, convicted of the abduction, rape and murder of eight-year old Tory Stanford, was recently moved from federal prison to a healing lodge. Canadians were surprised - to say the least - that the transfer of a convicted child murderer to a healing...

Is there really bias in the news and public affairs media? Well, yes. Not only is there no objectivity in the news, but most of the bias is left-leaning. If you hold a dissenting view on gay marriage, climate change, or abortion, you will search the media in vain for...