
When is an Emergency Not an Emergency?

When is an Emergency Not an Emergency?

“If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless...

Property Rights Under Threat: GSI

Property Rights Under Threat: GSI

Property Rights Under Threat is a new video from the Frontier Centre for Public Policy that covers the plight of Geophysical Service Incorporated, a Calgary-based business that specializes in seismic exploration.

Good politics, bad economics. This was the verdict among Canada's most economic literate think tanks on the conservative's platform plank on the trimming of the Goods & Service tax, by two points. For various reasons, these institutions appeared more favorably...

Featured News

A Social Justice Vision for Sports

A Social Justice Vision for Sports

The foundational principle of social justice is that people in each and every societal category and class should be treated equally, and have equal benefit and respect in every social context. This means that every group and every unit of society, including sports...

Branding the Culture Wars

Branding the Culture Wars

Once they were big. Really big. Kings of Hollywood, producers of movies that were nominated for over 300 Oscars. But when their founder was outed as the captain of the American free-style groping team, the Weinstein Company’s name became toxic: board members resigned,...

Change Is Hard In Education

Change Is Hard In Education

Finally, after enduring years of fuzzy math, Saskatchewan parents may finally have cause for hope. Not only did the provincial government’s latest throne speech acknowledge that Saskatchewan students have the worst math skills in the country, the speech pledged to...