Brian Giesbrecht

There Are No Secret Graves

There Are No Secret Graves

Canada’s flag has been flying at half-mast since the shocking discovery of the bodies of 215 indigenous children, who died under sinister circumstances at the Kamloops Residential School, and were secretly buried in the area known as the “apple orchard”. Chief...

Featured News

Freedom of Thought, At Risk

Freedom of Thought, At Risk

Free speech and free inquiry, birthrights bestowed upon us by western civilization, are under threat. There are too many questions that can’t be asked, too many subjects that can’t be discussed. Alessandro Strumia, a University of Pisa professor, lost his position...



Oaxaca is one of the best preserved colonial cities in Mexico. It has a bustling center, rich with busy markets - street vendors and music wherever you go. Oaxaca state has the largest percentage of Indigenous people in Mexico. Zapotec, Mix-tec and other peoples...

Have We Lost Our Way?

Have We Lost Our Way?

While journalists in some parts of the world risk their lives (one butchered at the Saudi embassy in Turkey), ours were earnestly studying the details of new marijuana laws. Where will we be allowed to smoke? What will the fines be for disobeying a bewildering new...

Healing Lodges

Healing Lodges

Terri-Lynne McClintic, convicted of the abduction, rape and murder of eight-year old Tory Stanford, was recently moved from federal prison to a healing lodge. Canadians were surprised - to say the least - that the transfer of a convicted child murderer to a healing...

One Law for All

One Law for All

In his new book, There is no Difference, Ontario lawyer Peter Best begins a long-repressed national conversation about Canada’s legal and social relations with its Indigenous peoples. Mr. Best asks:  Why can not Nelson Mandela’s goal and vision of “one set of laws for...