Brian Giesbrecht

The Snitches vs. The Scofflaws

The Snitches vs. The Scofflaws

Manitoba is at a pandemic low - not in infections, they are high - but in the government’s response. We are now encouraged to rat out fellow citizens on a “snitch line”. Officers have been hired to hand out tickets carrying hefty fines to business owners and...

Rethinking Lockdowns

Rethinking Lockdowns

Vaccinations are happening, and lockdowns will finally end. Politicians, and supportive media, will tell us that their lockdown policies saved us. The public will be praised for enduring all of the hardships, including school and business closures, an almost complete...

Featured News

The Indigenous Grandmother

The Indigenous Grandmother

On May 15, 2018 CBC Radio aired a story about an Indigenous woman who complained that a security officer, and then a City of Winnipeg police officer, had treated her improperly while she was attending a Winnipeg Jets related “Whiteout” event. The woman, who described...

Reforming the Justice System

Reforming the Justice System

There has been considerable talk recently about reforming the justice system. The talk has become particularly shrill following the Bushie and Fontaine murder trials in Saskatchewan and Manitoba. In fact, the Justice Minister has said that she plans to eliminate...

Persuasion Money at Hydro?

Persuasion Money at Hydro?

Every member of the Manitoba Hydro Board, with the exception of Conservative MLA Cliff Graydon, resigned on March 21, 2018 over a dispute with Manitoba Premier Brian Pallister. According to Pallister the board resigned because the province won’t agree to a $67.5...

You Are Now On Treaty Land

You Are Now On Treaty Land

I recently attended an event that began with an announcement notifying those present that “you are now on treaty land”. By now, we are all familiar with this new way of commencing public functions. It stems from a recommendation from the Truth and Reconciliation...

The Mating Game and #MeToo

The Mating Game and #MeToo

My parents met during “the dirty thirties,” depression years, when life was tough. They were both teachers in small schools on the prairies. My father was older than my mother, and after a brief courtship they married. There is nothing unusual about that story. In...

Canada Needs a Diefenbaker

Canada Needs a Diefenbaker

In recent years, we have seen the children of former strong Canadian leaders enter politics. They don’t have to start at the bottom because of the reputations their fathers forged through the hot steel of heady Canadian issues, such as separatism and free trade. They...