Brian Giesbrecht

Focused Protection Yes; Lockdown No

Focused Protection Yes; Lockdown No

In a crushing blow to small business and morale, Manitoba’s Premier has ordered a return to the very lockdown model that the World Health Organization (WHO) warned leaders to avoid. Premiers are being pressured by a Prime Minister who threatens to withhold money...

Four More Years of Trump?

Four More Years of Trump?

  Most Canadians are amazed that so many of our American neighbors even want Trump as their president. Since his election in 2016, the Canadian media and most of the American media have been unrelenting in their disparagement of the man.  He has been portrayed as...

Time to Abolish Indian Act

Time to Abolish Indian Act

Canadians are watching protests on American streets that stem in part from their history of slavery. That “original sin” dogs America, and tears at its soul.  But Canada, too, has an “original sin”. And that is our history with Indigenous people. It is not that it...

Featured News

The Arkhipov Calm

The Arkhipov Calm

Where would we be without Vasili Arkhipov? In fact, would we be here at all? Who is Vasili Arkhipov you may ask? Before I get to that, let me talk for a minute about the nuclear world we now live in. There are currently so many nuclear weapons on our small planet that...

We Want Simple Answers

We Want Simple Answers

We want simple answers. But, sometimes, there aren’t any. Take Manitoba’s child welfare system, for example. We want to find a solution to a problem that has plagued us for generations. What to do about the huge numbers of Indigenous children that are taken into the...

The Tale of Four Women

The Tale of Four Women

The recent election win of Donald Trump is now changing the political world in Canada. To his critics, he is the worst of everything a human being can be. His detractors call him names that have been considered extreme, even for a President as divisive as Richard...

Get Out of Jail Free Card?

Get Out of Jail Free Card?

Recently, a jury’s acquittal of a white man for the killing of an Indigenous man is highlighting some of the deepest divisions in this country. One of those divisions is between people living on reserves, and the farmers and townspeople living in the vicinity of those...

The Great Divide

The Great Divide

Canada’s great divide follows along the rugged border that separates Alberta and British Columbia. However, Canada has another Great Divide in addition to the geographical one. The trial of Gerald Stanley, for the killing of Colten Boushie, brought into sharp focus...

Trial by Tweet

Trial by Tweet

If anyone doubted that the #MeToo movement has ushered in a revolution, the political execution of Patrick Brown should put those doubts to rest. As in all revolutions, not all the heads that  fall into the basket deserve to be there, the Madame Defarge’s of this...

Who Should Dole Out Justice?

Who Should Dole Out Justice?

The jury trial of Gerald Stanley for the murder of Colten Boushie marks a new development in criminal law. The trial itself was not unusual, a jury heard the evidence, deliberated, and acquitted the Saskatchewan farmer. It’s what followed the acquittal that is...