David Vardy

$808 Million Dollar Muskrat

$808 Million Dollar Muskrat

Nalcor chief financial officer Derrick Sturge told the Muskrat Falls Inquiry the business case to recover costs from the project was “rock solid.” The reality is much more disconcerting as Muskrat Falls promises to saddle the province with growing debt. The vital...

Searching for a Silver Bullet

Searching for a Silver Bullet

Let there be no doubt that our province is facing a tough fiscal challenge and solutions are hard to come by. Proposals are emerging. Some of them come from think tanks, whose role is to divine public policy options and to chart a course through troubled waters. Some...

Conversation with David Vardy

David Vardy holds degrees in Economics from Memorial University, the University of Toronto and Princeton University. He was a member of the economics faculty at Queen’s University before returning to Newfoundland and Labrador to serve as a senior public servant for...

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