Fergus Hodgson

Canada Missing Out on Shale Revolution

Canada Missing Out on Shale Revolution

“It takes real skill to derail an industry where Canada has so many competitive advantages,” writes Rick Rule regarding energy markets. The chief executive of Sprott US Holdings, a natural-resource brokerage, says the barrier is politics, while Canadian firms,...

The Federal Takeover of Canada’s Capital Markets

The Federal Takeover of Canada’s Capital Markets

The proposed federal regulation of Canadian capital markets is of dubious constitutional authority and is a centralist solution in search of a problem. Contrary to the claims of the chief proponents, who enjoy federal funding, it would make markets less harmonious and...

Featured News

Cronies That Love the Revised NAFTA

Cronies That Love the Revised NAFTA

Many advocates for cultural diversity have a sudden change of heart when the topic turns to Canada's "cultural industries." As they say in Argentina, for money, the monkey will dance. What constitutes Canadian heritage, given her complex milieu, tends to be in the eye...