Ian Madsen

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How We Teach Reading Really Does Matter

Reading is the most important skill taught in school. If students don’t learn how to read, not much else that happens there is going to matter. That’s because being able to read is important in virtually every job. Without the ability to read, life itself will be a...

Gold’s Rise Could Be Signalling Chaos

Gold’s Rise Could Be Signalling Chaos

Gold is a strange commodity. While it has some industrial uses, it mostly ends up in jewelry or money-surrogates such as coins and ingots; the latter often in central bank vaults. Unlike other metals, it accumulates and circulates in the economy and society; it is not...

Canada is Losing Its Competitiveness

Canada is Losing Its Competitiveness

Canada is gradually losing its competitiveness. According to the Institute for Management Development (IMD)1, a graduate business school and research centre, we are down three spots from 2018 to 13th. Canada is now ranked below the USA and Switzerland, as well as...

Limits on Pension Investments Hurt Returns

Limits on Pension Investments Hurt Returns

Recently, members of ‘Extinction Rebellion’, a climate change activist group, sat in protest at the University of British Columbia, beginning a hunger strike on January 6th, trying to stop UBC’s pension fund from making or holding any investments in...

Solving Quebec’s Propane Vulnerability

Solving Quebec’s Propane Vulnerability

Recently, the Alberta Premier opportunistically and sarcastically suggested to the government of Quebec that if they had, or would, allow pipelines to be built in the latter province, their current propane shortage, caused by the ongoing CN Rail strike, would not be a...