Lee Harding

Coronal Mass Ejection Warning

Coronal Mass Ejection Warning

You have heard of preparations for blizzards, tornadoes and hurricanes, but have you ever heard of preparing for a solar storm? A severe coronal mass ejection (CME) could make life in the 21st century look like the worst of the 19th, causing a disruption few will be...

Featured News

Big Tech Influence Can Tip Elections

Behavioural psychologist Robert Epstein believes Google can and does influence voters and that research teams in Canada and elsewhere need to monitor how users are being swayed. Epstein, the former editor-in-chief of Psychology Today and founder of the American...

Emergency Room Madness

Emergency Room Madness

Literal delirium is a potential consequence of waiting too long in an emergency room. Unfortunately, the chances of that happening in Canada have never been greater. The Canadian Institute for Health released a report in January that showed the average wait time in an...

Ontario Politicians on Drugs

Ontario Politicians on Drugs

Ontario taxpayers receive nothing but bad news from their politicians on drugs. Last April, 2017, both the NDP and Liberals proposed expensive drug plans within four days of each other. The one proposed by ruling Liberals took effect January 1, 2018 to the destruction...

Climate Change is Intentional

Climate Change is Intentional

“How’s the weather?” is far more than a shallow conversation starter. It is a serious issue. Many would be surprised to know that 100 years ago the scientific interest in weather surpassed mere observation and advanced into outright modification. A brief survey of...

Progressive Trade, Regressive Results

Progressive Trade, Regressive Results

If Brett Wilson were still taking business pitches on Dragon’s Den, he would never partner with Canada’s trade negotiators. During a recent television interview, he openly wondered whether or not the negotiators were “delusional, naïve, or stupid.” It seems he settled...

What is Sexual Freedom Without a Room?

What is Sexual Freedom Without a Room?

“The state has no place in the bedrooms of the nation,” Justice Minister of Canada famously said in 1967. Fifty years later, this statement is no longer true. People who are straight, gay, transgendered, or otherwise cannot get a room for the night from anyone willing...

Marijuana Won’t Pay the Bills

Marijuana Won’t Pay the Bills

Legalize and tax marijuana and the budget will balance itself. Marijuana advocates from stoners to recreational users to the Prime Minister have tried to convince us of this for years. It makes some sense that a product so commonly used should be regulated, not...

No Pig Deal

No Pig Deal

Taxpayer handouts to private corporations are always thorny. They inevitably mean that another business' tax dollars go straight to the pockets of their competition. This distortion also means that dollars better spent elsewhere by taxpayers, or even by governments,...