Les Routledge

Patent Wars

Slowly but surely there is a push back against excessive patent protection around the world.  This case in India is one more example    

Human Rights Commission Ruling

Every so often, I guess they can provide a good ruling.  This case of asking for FaceBook passwords is one method to look into the religious, ethnic and sexual background of potential employees. Any employer who asked me for my password on social media would be...

Scaling Back EPA Powers

This looks like a good ruling for landowner rights in the USA.  The EPA has had its draconian powers limited. Up here in Canada, we need to get behind efforts to scale back excessive DFO actions to protect "fish habitat" were no fish live.  Municipalities across...

Is It Time for a New National Dream

When western Canada entered confederation, the construction of a national rail line was a key element of connecting the country east-to-west. In today's world, I wonder if we need a new national dream to enable infrastructure systems, namely roads, rail lines, power...

Featured News

Pacific Nations

It should be both a national economic and national security priority to expand our ability to supply energy to our trading partners in those regions.