Les Routledge

Thinking About Utility Corridors

  http://business.financialpost.com/2012/08/09/canada-on-cusp-of-new-oil-era-as-heavy-crude-discounting-nears-end-canadian-naturals-laut/ If all goes according to plan, the pipeline to the west will not be required within 10 years.  Instead, the need to feed...

Featured News

Social Enterprise News

An interesting concept of establishing an investment market for social enterprises is being established in Singapore. This should be a welcome development for people who like small government.  It is somewhat comparable to Cameron's concept of Big Society in the UK.

On Manufacturing in North America

The Economist has an interesting article this week on comparative advantage as it relates to manufacturing.  It is worth the read. I agree with the central theme going through this article that the cost of manufacturing labour is becoming less of a factor in...

Bad Apple

Apple and several publishers are being litigated in the US on anti trust charges. Meanwhile we still have to deal with bundled channels and tied selling on CATV.