Matthew Lau

Setting Workers Free to Choose

Setting Workers Free to Choose

Proposals for increased government regulation and unionization raise the question: can workers across the economy be helped by legislative fiat and by increasing the power of labour unions? The answer, quickly obtained from basic economic principles and a brief survey...

How Not to Create Jobs

How Not to Create Jobs

Corporate welfare handouts are a policy staple of politicians of all stripes. Liberals who mistakenly think government spending is the driver of economic growth love handing out free cash to claim they are “creating jobs.” Conservatives say they are against corporate...

Featured News

Weaponizing the Law

The indictment of former U.S. president Donald Trump for crimes invented by his political opponents is the most egregious example yet seen of the weaponizing of the law. The United States is now full of examples. However, in Canada, we also see the law being...

Economists vs the Public on Minimum Wages

Economists vs the Public on Minimum Wages

Raising the minimum wage is a popular policy among voters. Recent polls from Ontario found strong support for the province’s minimum wage hike, and in the United States, a Pew Research poll in 2016 showed that by a margin of 52 percent to 46, Americans supported more...