Peter McCaffrey

Public Private Partnerships

Introduction On 25th of September, the citizens of Regina will vote in a referendum for the first time in 20 years. The question? Whether the city should use a traditional contract to construct a new wastewater treatment plant or to proceed with the council’s...

Understanding Public Private Partnerships

On Sept 25th, residents of Regina will vote in a referendum for the first time in more than 20 years.

The referendum, organized by unions, will decide whether the council is allowed to proceed with its unanimous decision to construct a new wastewater treatment plant via a Public Private Partnership [P3], or whether they will be forced to use a traditional construction method.

Last week, the Frontier Centre for Public Policy held an event in Regina aimed at raising awareness in the community about Public Private Partnerships and how they work.

The sold-out event was opened by the Honourable Don McMorris, Saskatchewan’s Minister of Highways and Infrastructure, who gave us an overview of the province’s plans for a large number of new P3s that will go ahead regardless of the result of the city vote.

Featured News

Evolving Media Narrative

Here's an interesting article on the incredible evolving media narrative about the US economy ever since Barack Obama won re-election. Before the election, when good economic news helps the incumbent: In fact, one month before the election, the Times ran a story...

Businesses Don’t Pay Taxes

Repeat after me everyone: "Businesses don't pay taxes, people do." I wrote last week about companies using tax avoidance (not evasion) to reduce their tax bill. One of those companies, Starbucks, has announced that due to public pressure (and to protect their image),...

Evasion or Avoidance?

There's an interesting story developing in the UK where many left-wing groups, supported by over-the-top media stories, have been building up pressure against businesses that 'evade' taxes. I put evade in inverted commas there because none of the businesses being...

New Zealand Out Of Kyoto II

I'm currently in New Zealand for a few weeks and while nothing much seems to have changed while I've been away, one interesting announcement has been made this week which hasn't got as much attention as I would have expected. New Zealand have announced they won't be...

US Election

Polls have started closing in the US, on the east coast at least. Join us live on twitter for coverage and our thoughts throughout the night.