Peter Shawn Taylor

Next On the Carbon Hit List: Meat

Next On the Carbon Hit List: Meat

Peter Shawn Taylor, December 30, 2016 If it wasn’t so tasty, would anyone bother with beef? Last year, the World Health Organization added processed beef and other red meats to its list of level-one carcinogens, alongside such deadly substances as tobacco smoke,...

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Transformers: More than Meets the Eye

The path to net zero, based on the much disputed belief that carbon dioxide is a pollution, is more steep and impractical than most people realize. Replacing fossil fuels with clean electricity will require much more power generation and a greatly upgraded grid to...

UNICEF’s Guilt Trip: Putting Canada at the bottom of the list for housing poor children is absurd

Putting Canada at the bottom of the list for housing poor children is absurd. As with all statistical arguments, understanding the UNICEF report requires a careful eye and a healthy dose of skepticism. The study focuses on relative differences; that is, the gap between children in the middle of the income distribution and the average below that line. Exclusively relying on relative indicators is a highly contentious, and generally misleading, way to examine poverty. The UNICEF report is no exception.

Media Release – The Perfect Gift for Mother’s Day: Child Care Choice

Provincial child care policies vary widely across the Prairies. In particular, Saskatchewan and Manitoba actively discourage for-profit child care centres by denying them access to government subsidies and grants. Alberta treats both for-profit and non-profit centres equally. Because of these policies, Saskatchewan has just one commercial daycare in the entire province. Only five percent of the child care centres in Manitoba are for-profit. Alberta has a majority of for-profit centres. Saskatchewan also has the lowest level of child care coverage in the country. Manitoba and Alberta are both near the national average. Evidence suggests that Alberta has been better able to meet rising demand for new child care spaces than either Saskatchewan or Manitoba. Further evidence suggests that Alberta is more efficient in turning government funding into new daycare spaces. Alberta is able to create twice as many spots per $1,000 in government expenditure than Manitoba, and three-times as many spots as Saskatchewan.

Alberta Gets it Right on Daycare

If the goal is to open new licensed daycare spaces in a short period of time, the best solution is to enlist the capabilities of the for-profit child care sector. Because it treats both sectors equally, Alberta has been better at opening new spaces – at a lower cost to taxpayers – than Saskatchewan or Manitoba.