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Canada is in trouble, half of the population believes we are in a climate crisis that believes shutting down the oil and gas industry is needed, while the other half recognizes that Canada’s oil and gas industry is vital. These competing opinions run roughly along an...

Good politics, bad economics. This was the verdict among Canada's most economic literate think tanks on the conservative's platform plank on the trimming of the Goods & Service tax, by two points. For various reasons, these institutions appeared more favorably...

Can you imagine stumbling upon the Mad Hatter’s tea party, watching as the discussions become increasingly absurd – and yet wanting a permanent seat at the table? Could Lewis Carroll have been having nightmares about the Paris climate treaty when he wrote Alice’s...

The holidays are a time when many of us count our blessings, and think of society’s least fortunate. While there are many things that can be done to help those in need, some policies designed to do so backfire. Rent control is one of them. Surveys of economists...

The decision to turf laws that ensure taxpayer protection and balanced budgets most often come back to haunt the politicians you make such decisions. Properly designed, such legislation can serve as a fiscal constitution that delivers superior long-term policy and...

Legalize and tax marijuana and the budget will balance itself. Marijuana advocates from stoners to recreational users to the Prime Minister have tried to convince us of this for years. It makes some sense that a product so commonly used should be regulated, not...