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“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” (Martin Luther King, Jr.) That white, female teachers make up the bulk of the K-12 teaching...

Airbnb is one of our era’s most popular and successful services, providing travellers cheap short-term accommodation in unused suites and rooms, primarily in private homes. It serves millions of customers every day in 191 countries but it has recently faced opposition...

The recent controversies over tearing down the statues of Canadian heroes because some of their actions have offended our modern sensibilities needs some historical context.  No one, no matter how revered, ever lived without flaws. Louis Riel, lauded for the founding...

The Northern Gateway, Energy East, and Pacific Northwest LNG Pipeline proposals have been scrapped. Scotiabank estimates that the Canadian economy forfeits $15.6 billion per year as other pipeline proposals await approval. Has this happened because Canadians...