
Featured News

The Man who Saved the Plains Indians

At the time of Confederation, Canada’s Plains Indians were in a desperate situation. The same European-introduced guns and horses that resulted in a briefly glorious golden age for them had also resulted in constant inter-tribal warfare and the rapid disappearance of...

Wireless Competition – Two New Studies

Two new studies on wireless competition in Canada were released last week.  Also, Bell announced that it was cutting roaming rates to the U.S. “Wireless Competition in Canada: An Assessment” is by Jeffrey Church of the University of Calgary’s School of Public...

Western Power Line Sparks Interest

Recently, Manitoba Conservative MP Steven Fletcher promoted the building of a transmission line from Manitoba Hydro’s northern dams (two new ones are planned to be constructed in the next decade) to carry electricity to Saskatchewan and Alberta.  Conceptually,...

Exercise Your Right To Know

Manitoba’s Ombudsman is celebrating national Right to Know week (September 23 to 28), asserting our individual and democratic right to access government-held information and promoting open, accessible and transparent government. The Ombudsman notes that access to...

First Nation set to build private hospital

Innovation in health care is coming from an unlikely place. A First Nation in British Columbia is using its unique constitutional position to create what is taboo in the rest of Canada. The self-governing Westbank First Nation is set to build a 100-bed hospital to...