
The Sean Carleton Show

The Sean Carleton Show

Last January I attended a webinar featuring settler historian Dr. Sean Carleton on “How to Recognize and Confront Residential School Denialism.” Carleton has been leading the vanguard in spotting this distinctly Canadian menace. The webinar began, of course, with the...

How Canada Was Forced to Build Up Its ‘Tin-Pot’ Navy

How Canada Was Forced to Build Up Its ‘Tin-Pot’ Navy

As the proud possessor of the world’s longest coastlines and home of the world’s sixth-largest merchant navy, one might have thought that the newly independent Canada would have an interest in developing a strong navy. In fact, as a Dominion of the British Empire, it...

Featured News

Schools Cannot Function Without Trust

Schools Cannot Function Without Trust

Alberta Premier Danielle Smith’s parental rights announcement has surely generated a lot of debate. Not only will Alberta require schools to obtain parental consent before changing the names or pronouns of students under the age of 16, but teachers will also have to...

Indian Industry Cronyism

Indian Industry Cronyism

Former Justice Minister David Lametti’s departure from government and immediate acceptance into an expensive law firm that makes millions from indigenous issues is a recent example of what has long been called “The Indian Industry” at work. The fact that a member of...

Bill Gairdner Was A Giant Among Men

Bill Gairdner Was A Giant Among Men

I met Bill around 1990 when he contacted me for some information about induced abortions, for a book he was writing, The Trouble with Canada. He soon became a very good friend. We talked regularly about many, many things, and I was a member of his online discussion...