
Featured News

Manitoba Needs to Up its Mining Game

There is some good news for mining in Manitoba, but the province needs to reform its mining policies for the sector to thrive.  Despite some progress over the years, this province still has a hostile climate for investment and this needs to change.  Vale recently...

The Geography of Superentrepreneurs

The Geography of Superentrepreneurs

What parts of the world have given rise to the most successful entrepreneurs? This is a question which is answered in the superentrepreneurs project. This project is about studying high-end entrepreneurship and focuses on the close to 2 500 individuals in the world...

Genocide For Dummies

Genocide For Dummies

On Oct. 27, 2022 my MP, Leah Gazan (NDP), presented a motion in the House of Commons to have the Indian Residential Schools recognized as a genocide (a real genocide and not just the rhetorical one of culture). Coincidentally, on that same day, the Dorchester Review...