
Dan Mitchell, Flat Tax Advocate

Dan Mitchell, Flat Tax Advocate

There are now 18 former communist countries that have flat taxes. There are 25 countries overall that have flat taxes and a lot of this is being driven by three things. One, it’s being driven by tax competition. Globalization means it’s easier for tax payers saving and investment and labour to cross national borders and that means that if adopt a good system like a flat tax as a country you are going to attract a lot of productive economic activity into your borders so countries are figuring out this is a route to economic prosperity.

Niger Innis, Congress of Racial Equality

Niger Innis, Congress of Racial Equality

Niger Innis is Co-Chair of the Alliance to Stop the War on the Poor and the National Spokesman for the Congress of Racial Equality, one of the oldest African-American anti-poverty groups. It was founded in 1942 as one of the pioneers of the civil rights movement in the United States. Its national Headquarters is located in New York City.

Lawrence Solomon

Lawrence Solomon

Lawrence Solomon is the author of The Deniers: The World Renowned Scientists Who Stood Up Against Global Warming Hysteria, Political Persecution, and Fraud**And those who are too fearful to do so. He is Energy Probe’s executive director, a columnist with National Post and a past columnist with the Globe and Mail.

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