Media Appearances

Just Say ‘No’ to Spending

For those not familiar with the column, Lett argues tax hikes should be considered to address the province’s deficit. If one scrutinizes the Manitoba government’s spending track record in greater detail, however, Lett’s proposition becomes much harder to stomach.

Aging Opportunity

Did you know that Saskatchewan has significantly more government employees than all other province in Canada? This glut of government employees means taxpayers are paying a small bundle each year. Fortunately, the solution is fairly pain free for politicians – as bureaucrats retire, don’t rehire.

Featured News

Demand Fairness from Ottawa and Edmonton

A few weeks ago, Albertans voted to reduce the inequities in the federal equalization program. The deficit between the dollars that leave to and come back from Ottawa has recently been as high as $27 billion in one year. During times of crisis, it feels like salt in...

We Should Embrace the Real Risk-Takers

“What kind of entrepreneur should we embrace and who should be shooed away? I would choose to give a bear hug to those business folks who try to meet consumer needs without fleecing taxpayers and dismiss “entrepreneurs” who use the power of the state to get a slice of the pie and pig out on taxpayer subsidies.”

Our Blue Gold: There’s nothing wrong with treating water as a commodity

“In the past few years, several domestic think-tanks have researched this issue, and concluded that there is a potentially lucrative market for Canadian water. The Frontier Centre for Public Policy estimates that Manitoba could earn US$1.33-billion annually by exporting just 1% of the fresh water flowing into Hudson Bay, via a pipeline to American markets, thereby ending Manitoba’s status as a have-not province.”

End Coming For Robin Hood-Type Transfers: Alberta Finance Minister Ted Morton has put Ottawa on notice that the unequal distribution of transfer payments to provinces must stop.

“So lucrative has the transfer of wealth become that, according to an excellent new analysis by the Frontier Centre for Public Policy, the less-fortunate provinces now outperform almighty Alberta in delivering almost all services, including health care and the cost of post-secondary education.”