Media Release

Media Release – Seeking a Pragmatic Review of Saskatchewan’s Crown Corporations: An Idea Whose Time Has Come

This backgrounder makes a case for a review of Saskatchewan’s commercial Crown corporations. A Review would foster informed public debate, and would help the government and opposition parties to develop clear policies on Crowns. It would provide a pragmatic alternative to ideology in assessing the benefits, costs, risks, and continuing public policy purpose of government ownership of various commercial Crowns.
In this policy backgrounder, Sheldon Schwartz, a former Crown Investments Corporation Vice President, examines the case for a new review of Saskatchewan’s Crown Corporations. He argues that much has changed in the 15 years since the last review, and the time has come to take another look at the provinces asset portfolio.

Featured News

Media Release – Pulling Back the Curtain : How Transparent are Regina and Saskatoon?

The municipal governments of Regina and Saskatoon report their performances far less often than do other cities cited in this report. As a rule, neither city discloses its performance as extensively as other cities do. There are exceptions as noted and where due. Regina has measured increased numbers for sporting and cultural activities resulting from its online registration option. Saskatoon measured the increase in fines paid because of its COPE program.