Media Release

Media Release – Frontier Centre Releases 9th Annual Demographia International Housing Affordability Survey: Canadian housing affordability slowly declining

The 9th Annual Demographia International Housing Affordability Survey was released by the Frontier Centre today. The survey encompasses 337 metro areas in the English speaking world, including 35 in Canada. Canadian housing affordability decreased slightly in 2012, despite decreases in unaffordability in several BC markets, including Vancouver.

Media Release – High Canadian Airfares are Hurting Airports and Our Economy: A New Policy is Required for Airport Transportation

Canadians are crossing the border into the United States to fly from their airports because departing from Canada is so much more expensive. The tax portion of the Canadian air ticket is ratcheted up with hefty federal fees and taxes. The US sees air transportation as essential to economic growth, while Canada sees it as a source of tax revenue.

Media Release – Massive Cost Overrun for Calgary’s West LRT Line a Reminder that Rail is Rarely as Cheap as Advertised

Calgary’s West LRT line opened today. The project cost more than double the initial $700 million estimate. While the cost escalation is greater than occurs on average for urban rail projects, the reality is that the average North American urban rail project costs over 40 percent more than estimated, and garners 60 per cent less ridership than projected. Voters should be sceptical of rosy forecasts for light rail projects.

Featured News

Propaganda Rules the World

One of the greatest books that explain how the world works is Propaganda by Edward Bernays. The man dubbed “the father of public relations” applied the psychological ideas of his uncle Sigmund Freud upon the masses, triggering their basic motivations to the benefit of...

Media Release – Five Quick Thoughts in Favour of the Flat Tax

The moral implications of progressive taxation versus single rate taxation should be considered for what they are, and it is up to voters to decide whether a system that takes “extra” money from a minority simply because it can, truly reflects their own moral preferences. They should also consider whether or not they truly want a society where the majority uses the tax system to prey on the minority.

Media Release: Municipalities are Failing to Adequately Disclose Taxi Regulation to the Public

Municipalities responsible for taxi regulation should publish regular (perhaps quarterly or annual) reports of key facts relating to the economic implications of taxi regulation. Licences are not the property of licencees but rather a privilege that is granted by government on behalf of the public. In turn, the public has a right to be informed about the use of these licences.

Media Release – Municipal Land-Grabbing Powers Should be Curtailed

”This example demonstrates the need for clear legislative reform for individual property owners who find themselves in similar situations. A process to allow municipalities to expropriate for dubious economic development purposes also exists in other provinces and in jurisdictions outside Canada. However, there are encouraging signs in that many jurisdictions, particularly in the United States, have taken proactive steps to prevent this abuse of individual property rights; as such, they provide a model for Canadian provinces.”