Worth A Look

Health Insurance: Clear Diagnosis, Uncertain Remedy: Governments are increasingly turning to private insurance in order to widen access to health care and make it more efficient. Are they expecting too much?

“Governments want to spur private insurance in the hope of solving three big problems bedevilling their national systems of health care: inadequate access to care; soaring costs; and a paucity of innovation. They hope thus to improve their citizens’ health without tearing more holes in tattered public finances.”

Featured News

The Pawlowski Decision

In the Alberta Health Services v. Artur Pawlowski and Dawid Pawlowski decision last September, a Court of Queen’s Bench justice found the two brothers in contempt of court. The Pawlowski brothers openly challenged health ordinances and court orders and did not deny...

Making The World A Billion Times Better

The important point is this: Now that we can model, simulate and reprogram biology just like we can a computer, it will be subject to the law of accelerating returns, a doubling of capability in less than a year. These technologies will be more than a thousand times more capable in a decade, more than a million times more capable in two decades.

To Ottawa, With Love

With the April 30th tax filing deadline looming, Canadians are grappling with the stress and anxiety of completing their tax returns. As we hunker down over our computers and wade through piles of receipts and pages of complicated forms, many will rightly question the...

To Get There From Here

Rather than aimlessly drifting on a burgeoning stream of federal handouts as the Doer government has done since arriving in office in 1999, Mr. McFadyen declared that he wants, within 20 years, to see Manitoba become a “have” province free of dependence on the rest of Canada to pay 40 per cent of its bills, and to double the population over that same time frame.

The Myth Of The Level Playing Field

Frankly, an "in-and-out" scheme sounds quaintly titillating. But a possible in-and-out scheme run by the Conservative party in the last federal election promises to dominate question period and national news coverage for the next week or two, perhaps longer. Elections...

Food Shortages: Think Big

However, just as livestock are eating the food that would have been consumed by poor Africans, so Americans are running their SUVs on it. One SUV tank of biofuel uses enough grain to feed an African family for a year.

Ethanol Policies May Be Hard To Fix

Four years ago, Dennis Avery warned that, as Western governments fell head over heels for biofuels, passing laws forcing consumers to buy them, “U.S. farmers, who should be exporting food to densely populated Asian countries with rising incomes, will instead turn their corn into ethanol … without benefit to the environment.” In barely a half-decade, biofuels have turned from the darling of environmentalists and policymakers — confident that petrol made from corn, soybeans or other plants would not just relieve us of our dependency on volatile Arab oil, but reduce carbon dioxide emissions in the process — to the target of blame for massive economic upheaval and environmental destruction.