Culture Wars

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Equality at What Cost?

Equality at What Cost?

Equality, of course, is one of the hallowed values of the post-Enlightenment West, celebrated in the French revolutionary slogan, “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity,” and in the American Declaration of Independence,[1] which asserts that it is “self-evident” that “all men...

The Mating Game and #MeToo

The Mating Game and #MeToo

My parents met during “the dirty thirties,” depression years, when life was tough. They were both teachers in small schools on the prairies. My father was older than my mother, and after a brief courtship they married. There is nothing unusual about that story. In...

A Canadian Holocaust: Remembering the Shoah

A Canadian Holocaust: Remembering the Shoah

Think about it. What would the death of six million people look like in the Canadian population? A loss of that number would be equivalent to the annihilation of every single person in the following cities: Vancouver, Calgary, Saskatoon, Winnipeg, London, and Halifax....

Against Diversity

Against Diversity

In the last few days, two academic conferences were criticized for not being sufficiently “diverse.” A conference to empower women and train them for leadership was cancelled by St. Catherine University in St. Paul, Minnesota, because, according to university...

Anti-Diversity and Comic Books

Anti-Diversity and Comic Books

Consumers of popular culture, aware of the recent box-office success of the movies Black Panther and Wonder Woman, may have been puzzled by recent claims that the world of fantasy entertainment – comics, films, books – was deemed to be suffering a crisis in diversity....

It used to be that one of the most important hallmarks of a strong democracy was its protection of free speech. Unfortunately, Canada seems to be following the lead of those who would rather silence opinion that’s not considered  sufficiently “progressive”.

White Privilege

White Privilege

Parents in the interior of British Columbia were shocked recently when their children came home from school with news of a new social awareness campaign. Posters throughout School District 74 were featuring administrators commenting on racism; in one, the image of...

Should Minorities Rule?

Should Minorities Rule?

In today’s colleges and universities, “progressive stacking” is recommended as a constructive way to deal with diversity among students. The professor sorts out students according to categories, using intersectional criteria of suffering and victimhood. In this...