Aboriginal Futures

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The MMIW Gets More Money

The MMIW Gets More Money

The Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women Inquiry (MMIW) was back in the news recently. They asked the federal government for a two year extension on their mandate, and an additional $50,000,000. They have apparently already burned through the $54,000,000 they had...

New Chance for a Good Idea

New Chance for a Good Idea

"If you ever ask yourself, why indigenous people line up during Treaty Days to collect $5.00 and why is it still $5.00? That $5.00 should have been raised with inflation. Annuity payments were in lieu of giving the access to the minerals. The annuities that were...

Profile Series: Chanelle Armstrong

Profile Series: Chanelle Armstrong

For Chanelle Armstrong, 31, creating her family business Stay Native was a chance to turn a growing New Zealand tourism industry into an opportunity to promote self-reliance among the Indigenous Māori. Many Māori businesses aim to help their community. “Being a social...

The Silence of the People

The Silence of the People

The federal government is moving full-speed ahead to dramatically reform the relationship between the Crown and Canada’s Indigenous people through a new Indigenous Rights, Recognition and Implementation Framework and through a suite of legislative changes. However,...

Indigenous Affairs, A Broken System

Indigenous Affairs, A Broken System

"Indigenous Affairs is not like most government departments. Most government departments provide one service to all Canadians. However, Indigenous Affairs provides all services to an individual group of Canadians. Indigenous Affairs has jurisdiction over 90% of...

Louis Riel

Louis Riel

One of Canada’s best known historic heroes has taken quite a shellacking lately. John A. Macdonald’s statue was removed from a place of prominence in Victoria by order of its city council, and there have been calls elsewhere for buildings that honour his memory to be...

Profile Series: Kawana Wallace

Profile Series: Kawana Wallace

Kawana Wallace, 27, is an Indigenous entrepreneur who has been able to harness his technical skills to revitalize the Māori language. Wallace is a co-founder and CEO of my Reo Studios, a New Zealand-based software company providing bilingual (English and Māori)...