Aboriginal Futures

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Show to depict realities of reserve life

A new made-in-Edmonton TV series called Blackstone is making waves. 

The new TV drama depicts corruption and crime on a First Nation reserve. Already, it is expected the show will broadcast on the Aboriginal Peoples Television Network (APTN) and Showcase TV.

The show is being criticized for perpetuating stereotypes about First Nation reserves. However, even one of the main characters,  Gordon Tootoosis, who plays elder Cecil Delaronde in the series said: “But we can’t be sweeping things under the rug like this. One of these days we’re going to trip over it.”

Tackling contraband tobacco on First Nations

A recent seizure of record amounts of illegal tobacco on Montana First Nation in Alberta has raised public attention about the challenge of illegal tobacco.

Cigarettes distributed through Native channels avoid provincial, federal and often excise taxes. They are often sold to non-Aboriginals at heavily discounted prices.

Governments and police have avoided “cracking down” on these illegal smoke shacks or operations because of First Nation insistence on internal self-government.

Problems are these cigarettes often find their ways into the hands of teenagers and no one can regulate their contents.