
The $25,000 Cow: That’s the average value of a milk quota per cow under a supply-management system

If it were proposed today to tax food—even at five per cent, never mind such punitive rates as these—it would be instant political suicide: consider the ruckus that erupts whenever some stray academic suggests the GST should apply to groceries. But because it is the status quo, and because the tax is implicit rather than explicit, and because “it’s to help farmers,” the policy is not only tolerated, it is impossible to remove. Or at least, it has been until now.

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Pulling Off a Band-Aid

Lost in the rhetorical battle between free-marketing and the Canadian Wheat Board's single-desk marketing is the unusual fact that wheat prices are creeping up to near-record levels. Thanks to the misfortunes of farmers in the Ukraine, the U.S. and drought-devastated...