
Climate Realpolitik

Climate Realpolitik

The Biden administration’s quick cancellation of the Keystone XL pipeline’s permit came as no surprise. It was a marker for his party’s climate progressives who fervently believe that conventional hydrocarbons are warming the planet, bringing on a “climate emergency”...

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Mistakes galore in first 1/2 hour of Gore’s climate change marathon

The first segment of former Vice-President Al Gore’s “24 Hours of Reality: The Dirty Weather Report” has just completed. Gore and his guests connected Hurricane Sandy and other tropical cyclones with global warming caused by human-induced greenhouse gas emissions (“carbon pollution”, they wrongly called carbon dioxide). Besides the fact that such a connection is impossible since there has been no overall global warming in 16 years, the concept is also wrong in principle.

Mr. Gore: Vested interests permeate the climate debate, on both sides

Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore tells us that “misinformation” about climate change (in other words, science that counters what he says) is fueled by those with vested interests. While there are obviously many people and companies who would benefit from an end to the climate scare, here is a list of some of the influential parties who have strong vested interests in maintaining the global warming alarm.

Canadian and U.S. negotiators must highlight developing swindle at this month’s U.N. Climate Change Conference

…if a Cancun-based treaty became international law, GHG reduction would proceed in developing nations only to the extent that it does not interfere with their “first and overriding priorities” of “social and economic development and poverty eradication.” Developed countries would be held to their emission reduction obligations regardless of the impact on their societies.

Climate scientists’ “consensus” based on a myth

Clearly, with so many serious issues raised by the respondents in the population being surveyed, if this part of the [Doran/Zimmerman global warming poll] was not to be corrected, and the survey re-administered, then it never should have been publicized at all, let alone trumpeted the way it was.