
Bjorn Lomborg On Obama’s Berlin Speech

Bjorn Lomborg reminds us, via his Facebook page, about the giant difference between Obama's rhetoric and record on yet another issue. Obama said in his recent speech in Berlin: "In the United States, we have recently doubled our renewable energy from clean sources...

European Fuel Poverty Coming to Manitoba?

If the provincial government's expansionary plans for Manitoba Hydro are realized, the cost to poorer Manitobans may be measured by more than massively increased electricity bills, but also in deteriorated health and shorter lifespans. Taking into account Manitoba...

Featured News

The Kamloops Graves

“Have we reached the ultimate stage of absurdity, where some people are held liable for things that happened before they were born, while others are not held responsible for things they are themselves doing today?” - Thomas Sowell Canadians reacted with horror to the...

Beware a Pretty Face or Tasty Drink

How much poison would you willingly put on your skin or ingest? If the answer is zero, you might have to make some changes. We may assume our foods, drinks and cosmetics are safe because regulators allowed them. Unfortunately, that may not always be the case....

Debate Over; It’s Freezing

Conserving energy, acting responsibly and cultivating technological advances are positive, whether global warming is as dangerous as the alarmists claim or not. But implementing ideas conjured up in environmentalists’ imaginations could bring massive economic consequences.

Polar Bear Summit Allows Media In, But Not Churchill

Environment Canada loosened restrictions Thursday on media access to a federal summit on polar bears in Winnipeg today, but the mayor of Canada’s polar bear capital said he’s disappointed he was not included. “I think they’re sending the wrong message by not including us… The biologists indicate the numbers are down, but we don’t see it, in all fairness,” he said. The summit will focus on the future of the iconic Canadian mammals, which some scientists say are in decline and some Inuit groups argue remain at healthy levels for harvesting.

EU Climate Agreement

The agreement was indeed historic, but in a different way than suggested by the Minister. In the “small print” which is part of the compromise, the EU said farewell to its isolated position in the world of climate management. Indeed, important sectors of European industry will be exempted from the compulsory purchase of CO2 -emission permits, in order not to be disadvantaged against foreign competitors who will not participate in the Kyoto Protocol.