Featured News

“Capitol” Punishment: A Betrayal

The attack on the Capitol in Washington and its aftermath have taken a toll, but unfortunately, the incident will remain remote and extraordinary for most. It has been politicized, sensationalized and reconstructed, but its tragic impact on those on the front lines is...

Blockades and Powwows

Blockades and Powwows

The chief of a Manitoba First Nation (reserve) intends to proceed with a powwow despite provincial COVID-19 regulations prohibiting large gatherings. Recently, four other First Nations set up blockades in northern Manitoba. One chief publicly tore up the court order...

Prioritizing Climate over Pandemics

Prioritizing Climate over Pandemics

As of May 20, the United States had more than 1.5 million confirmed cases of the Wuhan Coronavirus. US deaths related or attributed to the virus topped 92,000 (though many were really due to old age and related co-morbidities). Because of COVID-19, much of the US...

Impact of COVID-19 on Canada’s Economy

Impact of COVID-19 on Canada’s Economy

After months of COVID-19 restrictions causing a full economic shutdown of our country and others worldwide, what will be the result? Our guest today is Fergus Hodgson, Research Associate at Frontier Centre for Public Policy and Director of EconAmericas. WATCH FULL...

Learning to Live with COVID-19

Learning to Live with COVID-19

The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes that we have to learn to live with COVID-19. Notwithstanding hope of a vaccine, there is no guarantee. Thus, the virus awaits as we step out our door. And it could get worse.  Here, the virus has been suppressed by a...