Culture Wars

Race Hate is Official Government Policy

Race Hate is Official Government Policy

The Canadian and American governments have imposed blatantly racist policies and regulations on their populations. Dividing their citizens into “oppressors,” all white people, and “victims,” all BIPOC (black, indigenous, people of color) and LGBTQ2S (lesbian, gay,...

Featured News

No Faith in Media?

No Faith in Media?

You’ve heard of stage diving and you’ve heard of photo bombing…but Faith Goldy just pulled a new one: stage storming. “Good morning, sorry to interrupt, I must have missed my invitation in the mail,” she said, having taken a debate stage to which she was not invited....

Kinsey’s Pseudo-Science

Kinsey’s Pseudo-Science

TV personality Phil Donahue once said, “Kinsey was to sexuality what Freud was to psychiatry, what Madame Curie was to radiation, what Einstein was to physics.”[1] Alfred Kinsey was the primary person to turn western society from one that adhered to Christian sexual...

Canada’s Multiculturalism Model

Canada’s Multiculturalism Model

Canada’s multiculturalism policy came together largely in response to the strong separatist movement that took hold in Quebec during the 1970s. Those were the days of the firebrand Rene Levesque and the extreme Rose brothers. Pierre Trudeau’s Liberal government...

Stories Told, Truth Silenced

Stories Told, Truth Silenced

It would be hard to think of a period in human history where social attitudes have changed at the dizzying speed which they are doing so today. In the past few decades, traditional sexual mores have been severely eroded, long-established concepts of marriage declared...

All The World’s A Stage

All The World’s A Stage

Visiting the Globe Theatre in London, England is an unforgettable experience. When viewing the modest grounds, and realizing that the “groundlings” - the people in the cheap seats - were sometimes privileged to see original Shakespeare plays, it brings home the long...

The Edmonton Eskimos

The Edmonton Eskimos

The Edmonton Eskimos are a legend. From the time of Jackie Parker and Normie Kwong, they have always been one of the toughest contenders in the CFL. Now there comes a demand for them to change their name. Some Inuit and other Indigenous groups say that the name is...