
Why Bitcoin can Become a Reserve Currency

Why Bitcoin can Become a Reserve Currency

On January 17, former Canadian prime minister Stephen Harper suggested bitcoin could become a reserve currency alongside the U.S. dollar. Now a business adviser with Harper & Associates Consulting, he nonetheless made a caveat: bitcoin still lacks a key money...

Featured News

Currency Changes – Not Far Enough

Interesting commentary on the move to drop the penny from circulation. I tend to agree that the 5 cent coin should have been eliminated in this move.  The new 1 cent coin should be the dime.  Where I differ with the opinion is that I believe the quarter should be...

Animal Icons

This is a great illustration of a new animal icon for the federal NDP. I wonder what the comparable one would be for the Alberta PC party or the BC Liberal Party? In all seriousness, I do wish the new leader of the NDP well and hope that he can coral the socialists...

An Electoral Shift in Australia?

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OAS Reform – Bring on a Debate

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Robo Calls – Abuse of Privilege

One element of the robo-call subject that has not received much attention is why political parties should be exempted from the "do not call list" maintained by the CRTC. Personally, I object to that exemption and I believe that if I state I do not want tele-marketers...