
It is About Time

It is About Time

I think it is fair to say Alberta lost the public relations battle over oil a long time ago. The oil industry, as well as successive provincial governments in Alberta, did not take the opposition to oil seriously enough. As it turns out, the opponents have a great...

Property Rights Under Threat: GSI

Property Rights Under Threat: GSI

Property Rights Under Threat is a new video from the Frontier Centre for Public Policy that covers the plight of Geophysical Service Incorporated, a Calgary-based business that specializes in seismic exploration.

Featured News

Dr. Patrick Moore, Co-Founder of Greenpeace and Environmentalist

Dr. Patrick Moore, Co-Founder of Greenpeace and Environmentalist

It’s been forty years since Patrick Moore co-founded Greenpeace and twenty-five since he left the organization to establish a more sensible, science-based approach to environmentalism. Confessions of a Greenpeace Dropout: The Making of a Sensible Environmentalist is Dr. Patrick Moore’s engaging firsthand account of his many years spent as the ultimate Greenpeace insider, a co-founder and leader in the organization’s top committee.

Solar News In NYC

Mayor Michael Bloomberg unveils green initiatives, including new solar power plants and an energy efficiency corporation, as part of update of his PlaNYC sustainability plan.

Electricity – Reliability, Availability & Redundancy

Intermittent sources of power production such as wind, solar, and bio-gas are frequently criticized as being too intermittent and unreliable to be of value to the electrical grid.  The argument is often put forward that every megawatt or wind energy capacity has to be backed up with another megawatt of production capacity somewhere else on the grid so power is available 7-24.

On one level, that criticism ignores that the direct variable operating cost of wind and solar energy is nearly zero unlike thermal energy plants like gas, coal or nuclear which must pay for fuel to produce energy.

Political Shots at Alberta Oil Sands No Longer Free

Stelmach’s latest denouncing of gratuitous political attacks on the energy industry of the province sends a clear signal. It seems that no longer will attacking Alberta be met with silence but there will be a cost to pay. Stelmach pushing back raises the political cost to those used to attacking the oil sands without any consequences.

Thermodynamics Tutorial

Both Grist and Watts up with That have posted the following chart that provide a graphical illustration of energy use in the United States.  The comments after the primary post at the Grist site are worth a read.

While the first impression is that the amount of “rejected energy” suggests there is substantial room for improvements in efficiency, some deeper analysis and commentary is required about the fundamental limits presented by the laws of thermodynamics.  In addition, the assumptions used to produce the charts are quite broad brush and border on being simplistic.