
Understanding Equalization

Last week, the Globe and Mail ran an article authored by John Ibbitson which profiled David MacKinnon, a Frontier Centre senior fellow and one of the country's leading critics of Canada's equalization program. David's work over the past several years has helped show...

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When $8 Billion Just Isn’t Enough

The Prime Minister has an obligation to pursue policies that benefit the entire country, and writing Quebec another big fat cheque just doesn’t qualify. The response should come swiftly and be unequivocal: “No deal. The rest of Canada won’t be shaken down.”

Federalism’s Free Lunch: Why should Alberta taxpayers have to pay for PEI to provide students with free college?

“Maxime Bernier is right: End transfer payments to the provinces. Let Ottawa give them greater room to tax their own residents, but let provincial legislatures also have to make the tough choice to increase taxes on their own citizens if the politicians want to spend more on health, education, welfare and other provincial functions Ottawa is now subsidizing.”