
Balancing Act: Gradually Reducing The Size and Cost of Manitoba’s Public Sector

Ben Eisen and Jonathan Wensveen examine the cost of Manitoba’s relatively large public sector. By taking into account projected population growth, they argue that Manitoba can significantly reduce the size of its public sector in the medium-term without resorting to drastic cuts, by either freezing or making small, gradual reductions to government employment over the next decade.

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How the West Can Save Canada

Funny thing how the new ideas in politics come out of the West, these days. There was a time when the philosophers were in the East, working Quiet Revolutions, or bilingualism and multiculturalism in the name of centralized government. Then, it was as though the...

Go West, Young Man…

The tax policies pursued by western Canada over the past few years are quintessentially supply-side. That is, the tax relief is largely focused on improving incentives for work, savings, investment and entrepreneurship.