
Bezmenov: USSR Then, China Now

Bezmenov: USSR Then, China Now

If Canadians believe the threat of a Communist superpower expired decades ago, they’re wrong. The Union of Soviet Socialistic Republics (USSR) may be long dead, but the Chinese dragon is alive and well. In 1970, KGB disinformation agent Yuri Bezmenov defected from the...

Canada’s Deadly Response to COVID-19

Canada’s Deadly Response to COVID-19

The foundation for a government-led response to emergencies in Canada is the system of emergency management (EM). Federal and provincial/territorial governments have EM agencies charged with the mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery to all hazards. These EM...

Manitoba’s Model at a Dead End

Manitoba’s Model at a Dead End

Circa 1915 Winnipeg was frequently described as a second Chicago, a serious transportation hub with a bustling private economy. In 1921 it was the third-largest city in Canada. In the 1960s Winnipeg was western Canada’s corporate headquarters city.  Today Winnipeg is...

Featured News

Defunding The Police: Interview with Anil Anand

Defunding The Police: Interview with Anil Anand

The Mackenzie Institute interviews Frontier Centre research associate, Anil Anand, a retired police inspector and author of: “Mending Broken Fences Policing.” Anand has worked as a police officer fir thirty years. He has worked on cases ranging from routine...

No Glory in This Hole: Bad Advice From B.C.

No Glory in This Hole: Bad Advice From B.C.

The B.C. Centre for Disease Control threw logic out the window with their “COVID-19 and Sex” advice. Glory holes aren’t the only thing to peek at here. From start to finish, the document reveals contradiction, ignorance, and even hypocrisy. First up, “If you’re...

Escaping Responsibility

Escaping Responsibility

In 1970 Claude Charron was the youngest member ever elected to the National Assembly of Quebec. Re-elected a few times and as a high-profile cabinet minister, Charron astounded everyone by being caught red-handed trying to steal a tweed jacket from an Eaton’s store....

Hydroxychloroquine-The Political Drug

Hydroxychloroquine-The Political Drug

There’s a long-standing convention that applies to the use of all medical drugs: A person considering the use of a drug for medical or prophylactic purposes is advised to consult with his or her physician about its possible use. It’s assumed that the physician is up...

Gates, WHO, and Abortion Vaccines

Gates, WHO, and Abortion Vaccines

In essence, Bill Gates is in charge of the world’s health. The application of his massive wealth, and his rallying of others to do the same, puts him in an unparalleled position of impact. However, his influence is enormous enough that it may muffle the scrutiny he...

Alberta Fair Panel – Thinking Outside the Box

Alberta Fair Panel – Thinking Outside the Box

The Fair Deal Panel was established and commissioned by Premier Jason Kenney in November 2019. The panel conducted the bulk of its public hearings and received the most input from experts and interest groups during the months of December, January and early February....