
Gun Legislation Misses Mark

Gun Legislation Misses Mark

Our prime minister said he would never reinstate the gun registry, nor would any Canadian government disarm the people. His legislative track record says otherwise. On September 22, 2010, our prime minister, who was then an MP, voted against a private member’s bill to...

Who Decided the COVID-19 Response?

Who Decided the COVID-19 Response?

Who decided the nearly uniform messages we hear on the pandemic and what to do about it? Our politicians defer to doctors who, in turn, look to the World Health Organization (WHO). When we realize who pays the WHO, the senselessness makes sense. Leave it to the...

Canada Racist? Only its Government

Canada Racist? Only its Government

Canada has always prided itself on being one of the most open and least racist countries in the world. This view may not have always been true, particularly with regard to our past immigration policies, which only became colour neutral in the 1960s. But since then,...

Featured News

Tension among Canadian provinces is rising, with activists in Alberta and Saskatchewan even calling for independence. Marco Navarro-Genie, a senior fellow with Frontier Centre for Public Policy and president of the Haultain Research Institute, explains federal...

SNC Lavalin – The Forgotten Scandal

SNC Lavalin – The Forgotten Scandal

The SNC Lavalin saga finally came to an end on December 18, 2019 with the company pleading guilty to a fraud charge and receiving a whopping $280,000,000 fine. The guilty plea brought to a conclusion charges filed against the company by the RCMP and the Public...

Becoming Numb to Terrorism?

Becoming Numb to Terrorism?

Just days after Britain officially left the European Union, the people of this country were brought back down to earth and reminded of the immediate terror threat right under our noses -- a multiple stabbing in Streatham, south London.  Last year, the number of...

Collectivism Kills Charity

Collectivism Kills Charity

“God giveth and the government taketh away,” goes the old, wry saying. God aside, it is people who won't or can't give when the government takes away. A recent survey of generosity in the United States and Canada gives even more proof. The more centralist and...