Housing Affordability

Ottawa is 2900 square kilometres and the expansion, if it is approved, the expansion of the urban boundary is 1650 hectares (~16.5 square kilometres), causing great debate among the city council, we are going to focus on intensification, urban expansion, and housing...

Featured News

Sydney to Abandon Radical Urban Containment Policy

The New South Wales government has proposed a new Metropolitan Strategy for the Sydney area which would significantly weaken the urban containment policy (also called urban consolidation, smart growth, livability, growth management, densification, etc.) that has driven if house prices to among the highest in the affluent New World (Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United States) relative to household incomes.

170,000 New Homes for Sydney

The largest release of housing lots in 20 years will bring home ownership within reach for thousands of young families, the state government says. Up to 171,000 new homes will be built across 31 new and existing suburbs, alongside land for new jobs, shops, schools and transport.

Is Saskatchewan’s First-Time Home Buyers Tax Credit undermining housing affordability?

On its face, the First-Time Home Buyers Tax Credit seems like it would increase housing affordability. After all, aspiring home owners often have difficulty scraping together enough money for a deposit. But tax credits are the wrong tool. I pointed out during the last provincial election that evidence from the US suggests that the tax credit would, in fact, reduce housing affordability.

Media Release – Frontier Centre Releases 9th Annual Demographia International Housing Affordability Survey: Canadian housing affordability slowly declining

The 9th Annual Demographia International Housing Affordability Survey was released by the Frontier Centre today. The survey encompasses 337 metro areas in the English speaking world, including 35 in Canada. Canadian housing affordability decreased slightly in 2012, despite decreases in unaffordability in several BC markets, including Vancouver.