
Not-so-Quiet Revolution in Cuba?

Cuba is experiencing change that may eventually revolutionize Cuban society and the economy. The regime of Raul Castro is set to implement a micro-credit system to bolster self-employment. This change comes on the heels of other important policy decisions oriented...

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How We Teach Reading Really Does Matter

Reading is the most important skill taught in school. If students don’t learn how to read, not much else that happens there is going to matter. That’s because being able to read is important in virtually every job. Without the ability to read, life itself will be a...

Poor Families Hurt By High Energy Prices

Innis, refers to himself as an environmentalist, however, in his speech, he dismissed the basic idea of global warming and the negative impact it’s having on the environment. His solution to the energy issue is to promote conservation, increase efficiency and continue to embrace new alternatives- like wind and solar power – all without cutting down energy production in North America. “All energy is good energy,” said Innis.

Home Ownership, Rent Vouchers, And Building Codes

In “Escaping the poverty trap: from public housing to home ownership,” Rebecca Walberg writes that “The last thing a Canadian city should be doing now is building or buying new public housing units.” Instead, Walberg, Social Policy Analyst for the Frontier Centre for Public Policy, advances policy ideas that would encourage home ownership and rent vouchers instead of government housing and rent control.

Too Big A Bite

“Our comparison makes it abundantly clear that we can best express the sincerity of our intentions to help the poor by expanding the value of their basic exemption from income taxes. … In fact, the numbers show that increased exemptions work spectacularly better than minimum wages or tax credits in meeting the goal of improved incomes.”