
Family Reunification

Recently I wrote an Op-Ed in the National Post where I argued that the family re-unification program has a number of benefits that are difficult to quantify. Critics of the immigration status quo often claim that there is a "net fiscal transfer" from native born...

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The Man who Saved the Plains Indians

At the time of Confederation, Canada’s Plains Indians were in a desperate situation. The same European-introduced guns and horses that resulted in a briefly glorious golden age for them had also resulted in constant inter-tribal warfare and the rapid disappearance of...

Tearing Apart the British Welfare State: Tories Impose Jobs on the ‘Workshy’

“In a huge and risky experiment sure to be watched closely by other countries wrestling with public debt, government budget deficits and shrinking work forces, Prime Minister David Cameron’s government Thursday announced sweeping plans to change the lives of 5 million people dependent on government payments in an effort to push hundreds of thousands of people into the work force.”

Food Banks And Poverty – Two Different Issues: Statistics fail to bear out the claim that rising food bank use predicts rising poverty.

The rise in the use of food banks doesn’t necessarily mean poverty is rising, as many commentators have claimed. Paradoxically, it this rise has occurred while official poverty rates have been falling. This doesn’t mean food banks are a bad thing, simply that they do not necessarily indicate increases in poverty.