Public Sector

Day 14 – Frontier’s Advent Calendar

Day 14 – Frontier’s Advent Calendar

Day 14 - Advent is the season of preparing for Christmas. Here at the Frontier Centre for Public Policy we want to tell you about some of the things we would like to see under our tree.   On Day 14 we wish Ottawa and all provincial capitals would dramatically...

Featured News

Don’t Nickel and Dime Our MPPs: Do we really want to pay 80-hour-a-week lesgislators less than a Fort Mcmurray truck driver?

Vic Fedeli is at his desk at the Ontario legislature by 7:30 every morning. Fedeli, 55, figures he works 80-90 hours a week, not including travel time. He’s paid $116,550 a year. That’s less than the chief librarian in Ajax, Ont., or a fire training officer in Brampton. And unlike his cohorts, there’s no fat pension waiting for the burnt-out politician when he retires.

Policy Settings Need Seismic Shift

A year ago a series of major earthquakes reduced the heart of Christchurch to rubble and tore at the foundations of New Zealand's precarious fiscal position. In common with much of the developed world, the tectonic plates of an entrenched sense of entitlement and...

Stephen Harper’s Wildrose Soulmate

It seems Albertans are poised to dump the Progressive Conservative Party after 41 long years in power. If so, the Tories will have been punished for being too progressive and too little conservative. They’ll be replaced by a party that’s surely dearer to the Prime Minister’s ideological heart – Wildrose.

Just Say ‘No’ to Spending

For those not familiar with the column, Lett argues tax hikes should be considered to address the province’s deficit. If one scrutinizes the Manitoba government’s spending track record in greater detail, however, Lett’s proposition becomes much harder to stomach.