
Featured News

Second-quarter financials alarming

Based on Finance Minister Jennifer Howard's recent update on her government's financial situation, taxpayers should be alarmed. Despite the unexpected tax and fee hikes of the last two years, she not only expects a deficit of close to $500 million for the NDP...

More To Do In Saskatchewan

A recent report by the Fraser Institute on economic freedom across all 60 Canadian provinces and US states, has ranked Alberta first, and Saskatchewan right behind in second place. This news received significant media coverage in Saskatchewan and across North America...

Why Shouldn’t Princeton Pay Taxes?

For the latest evidence of the town-gown divide, look no further than New Jersey, where earlier this summer residents of Princeton banded together to sue the prestigious school in their backyard. The residents argued that Princeton University, which boasts the largest endowment per student in the country, should no longer be entitled to its tax-exempt status because the school makes money—from its scientific patents, ticketed concerts, on-campus eateries and more. The Ivy League school is operating like a business, the plaintiffs say, so the tax code should treat it like one.

Hong Kong’s Simple, Low Taxes: Don’t We All Want It?

“I did a little calculation yesterday,” says Stuart Iliffe, a Canadian working in Hong Kong as chief financial officer of publishing house PPP Co. Ltd. “If I earned $100,000 [all figures Canadian unless noted] in Canada, after tax I would keep $64,000. If I earned $100,000 in Hong Kong, and made use of the married man’s tax allowance, I would keep $90,100.” Those are startling figures – and they don’t even take into account that the former British colony – since 1997 a special administrative region (SAR) of China – has no goods and services tax, harmonized sales tax or value added tax.

Government Is Too Expensive

Is it really sustainable for your paycheque to go up by 2 per cent a year, but your hydro bill to go up by 4 per cent, your school taxes by 6 per cent, your property taxes by 3.5 per cent and the provincial sales tax to go up to 8 per cent? Obviously it isn’t sustainable, but that’s what’s going on; government is simply becoming way too expensive for many people.

Apples and Oranges

Taxpayers are either being purposely misled, or the government is simply relying on the public’s general lack of knowledge of government accounting.