There are always unintended consequences to every government action, especially those that have been hastily adopted. I predict that one of the unintended consequences of Canada’s Covid-19 policies will be an epidemic of deaths and injuries due to domestic violence...
Milton Friedman – Roots Of The Welfare State
Milton Friedman explains where the expectation of cradle to grave security came from. James R Dumpson, Thomas Sowell, Helen Bohen O'Bannon.
Aruna Papp, MA, ADR, MEd.
Frontier Centre: I would like you to tell us a little bit about what is ‘Honour-based violence’? Aruna Papp: Honour based violence is a crime committed in the name of protecting or defending family honour. It is usually committed by family members who believe that...
Professor Elizabeth Rata, Associate Professor in the School of Critical Studies in Education: Professor challenges cultural approach to schooling
The Frontier Centre interviewed Elizabeth Rata, an education professor at the University of Auckland, who believes the modern approach to Maori education focusing on difference and ‘re-tribalizing’ is misguided and will lead to failure.
Featured News
There’s Nothing Fair About Canadian Health Care
For the past 14 years, Vancouver surgeon Dr. Brian Day has led the charge for health-care reform, pushing for the right of patients to pay for private care if their health and well-being are threatened as a result of waiting in a stagnant and overburdened public...
Transformers: More than Meets the Eye
The path to net zero, based on the much disputed belief that carbon dioxide is a pollution, is more steep and impractical than most people realize. Replacing fossil fuels with clean electricity will require much more power generation and a greatly upgraded grid to...
EI Lessons From South Of The Border
“The Long-Term Effects of Generous Income Support Program: Unemployment Insurance in New Brunswick and Maine, 1940-1991,” found only 5.7% of male workers and 3.3% of female workers in Maine collected benefits in 1990. Cross the northern border into Canada and 29.5% of male workers and 29.7% of female workers were on the dole. The authors estimated more liberal benefits in N.B. accounted for two thirds of this difference. They also found that since 1982, the joblessness rate in N.B. has consistently been above 12% whereas the out-of-work rate in Maine has routinely been below 8%.
Mark Chamberlain, Entrepreneur, Business and Community Leader
Frontier talks to Mark Chamberlain about fighting poverty in Hamilton through “cross-sectoral collaboration”.
Thinking Before Spending Is Not “Ideology”
“Insofar as ideology goes, I agree: it has no place in public policy. And here’s an extra useful condition: ideology should be ignored not only in bad economic times but also when government coffers overflow. I’m all for doing what is sensible.”
Why a Living Wage Doesn’t Kill Poverty
Calgary is on the verge of becoming the first city in Canada to implement a living wage. While the initial costs of a living wage may appear small, the policy can have a significant impact on business profits, may lead to labour market distortions and appears poorly targeted. Many of the potential beneficiaries of a living wage may not be in poverty to begin with.
The Definition of Poverty
A Frontier Policy Series paper on the challenge of properly measuring poverty.
A Dwindling Herd
For decades, the Moose and other fraternal organizations have provided a social safety net for those not covered by government programs, assisting sick children, the disabled, the disadvantaged and the abused. With the economy unsettled and governments facing deficits, the role they play is crucial, says Lindsay Blackett, Alberta’s Minister of Culture and Community Spirit.
Forced Entry – How Government Came to Dominate Welfare
Today’s welfare state is not the only way to solve the problems of inequality, unstable income, and the need for healthcare and education. Understanding how the welfare state came to be and what it replaced enables a much more imaginative poverty debate than we currently have.
Advice For Ontario: Play hardball
The move would be provocative. It would be parochial. It could spark a serious federal-provincial clash. But maybe Premier Dalton McGuinty needs to cause a little trouble in Ottawa, says economist Hugh Mackenzie. Asking for a fair deal for Ontario hasn’t done much good. So here is Mackenzie’s idea: McGuinty should serve notice to the Prime Minister that Ontario intends to opt out of the Employment Insurance system and set up its own program.
Gaddafi ‘to hand out oil money’
“The money that we put in the education budget, I say let the Libyans take it,” Col Gaddafi said in a 100-minute televised speech to the General People’s Congress, Libya’s equivalent of a parliament.
“Put it in your pockets and teach your kids as you wish, you take responsibility.”