
Human Rights Commission Ruling

Every so often, I guess they can provide a good ruling.  This case of asking for FaceBook passwords is one method to look into the religious, ethnic and sexual background of potential employees. Any employer who asked me for my password on social media would be...

Obama Abandons (Private) Labor: The Keystone decision is a signal to blue-collar workers that this is no longer their fathers’ Democratic Party.

The decision by the Obama administration to “delay” building the Keystone XL pipeline is a watershed moment in American politics. The implication of a policy choice rarely gets more stark than this. Put simply: Why should any blue-collar worker who isn’t hooked for life to a public budget vote for Barack Obama next year?

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Unions Should Not Play Politics

While labour groups are correct to point out that management should not tell employees how to vote, they should recognize that they themselves are very partisan and should not be using members fees to support political causes.

Linda West

Linda West

“The projections are that whatever the shortage is in your industry that they will double every 3 – 5 years for the next 15 years. We are literally today slowing down our economic growth because we don’t have workers.”