Results for "Peter Best"

One Nation, One People

One Nation, One People

One of the main reasons for the lack of progress on the federal Indigenous file is the lack of united support among First Nations for real change. Sadly, our non-Indigenous political leaders do not talk about this, former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau being one...

Screw the West, We’ll Take the Rest

Screw the West, We’ll Take the Rest

An infamous quote (“Screw the west, we’ll take the rest”) from then Liberal organizer Keith Davey during the 1980 election drove Albertans’ bumper stickers saying “let the eastern bastards freeze in the dark”. Pierre Trudeau and his notorious National Energy Program...

Featured News

Playing Fast and Loose with the Rule of Law

Playing Fast and Loose with the Rule of Law

The scenes of lawlessness we see in cities like Portland, Oregon that have been playing out on our screens since the death of George Floyd appear to show creeping anarchy as we approach the November election. It appears that the rule of law has broken down. We do not...

Message from the President

March 20, 2020 Dear Friends of the Frontier Centre:   There can be plenty of irony when revisiting the oft-used old Chinese saying – “May you live in interesting times”.  According to popular belief it is an English expression of a traditional Chinese curse.  ...

The Tesla Disruption: Cab Drivers Beware!

The Tesla Disruption: Cab Drivers Beware!

The free market economy is beautiful in its simplicity: offer a service people want at a price people will pay for, and you will get your reward. For decades, cab drivers offered what buses could not—a ride on request from any location to anywhere else in a reasonable...